School Life

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happening at Hovnanian.

After-School Programs

Hovnanian School believes in a well-rounded education focused on developing the whole child. The after-school programs we offer complement the academic program our students receive during the school day. From Grossology STEAM to chess to karate to graphic design, Hovnanian students have the opportunity to explore various interests and hobbies after school starting in Pre-K all the way through 8th grade. Programs are offered in two terms—one in the fall and one in the spring.

Abroad Program

Since 2001, the 8th grade graduating class has had the incredible opportunity to travel abroad to Armenia as a culmination to their education at Hovnanian. This bonding experience brings the class together in an unforgettable and unique way, allowing them the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in their culture, history and language.




Summer Program

The fun and learning at Hovnanian continue throughout the summer as well! Summer camp is offered for six consecutive weeks for children starting at the age of 2 through 5th grade. Each week has a specific theme and focus, so the campers are able to immerse themselves deeply into that content. From International Week to Beach Week to Mad Science Week, our campers can engage in hands on projects and learn to be experiential in a way that teachers them about the world around them.

Project Time

Conceptualized once a week, in a 75-minute block of time, Project Time brings together groups of 1st- 8th grade students for designated workshops in a variety of disciplines. Workshops are independently selected by the students each term. The workshops may change from term to term and include Mosaics, Student Government, Musical Theater, Chess, Community Service, Scrabble, and Woodworking. As students select their desired workshops, each session is comprised of a variety of grade levels. This means a 4th grader might play Scrabble against a 2nd grader, or that a 7th grader, 3rd grader, and 1st grader must work together to plan a clothing drive.


In this multi-age experience, students explore new ways to observe, create, learn, and express their knowledge. They are exposed to new environments and different teaching styles. As students engage in unique dialogue with children of all ages, their ability to communicate and appreciate other perspectives flourishes. Working with others within a multi-age group dynamic also enhances students’ social skills and their problem-solving abilities.


Students are evaluated throughout the academic year on their participation, cooperation and inter-age interaction. Students are given a separate grade for Project Time each term, which is included in the cumulative GPA.

International Day

International Day is one of our major cultural enrichment programs. In the beginning of the school year, each class adopts a country or region to explore throughout the year. This country/region is then integrated into the curriculum and the students become familiarized with its geography, history, language, customs, and culture. Through this process, students and teachers together make discoveries and learn about diversity in the world.


The multi-age aspect of this type of learning is enhanced by having students in grades 5-8 collaborate per group and not per grade level on research, preparation and presentation. The culmination of this learning experience is the International Day Celebration, a full day of “travel around the world” where each group moves from one classroom (or country) to another learning about the other cultures while simultaneously hosting other groups to share their own country. This experience includes passports, passport stamping, sampling different countries’ cuisine, and exploring the arts within each culture.

Past themes have included The World without Borders bringing into focus nations that are not defined by a state such as the Inuits, the Gypsies, the Berbers, the Tibetans, the Maoris, the Aborigines, the Aramaeans, the Mayans, the Catalans, the Quechuans, the Kurds, and the Native Americans. Despite the challenges of finding mainstream research, gathering information via alternate ways teaches the students to become more creative and resourceful researchers.


Recently, International Day was our way of celebrating diversity by ‘traveling to’ the various island nations, including New Zealand, Galapagos, and Jamaica. Educational opportunities surround us particularly when we open our minds to the experiences and celebrations of the rest of the world.

Before/After Care

Before School Care Supervision
Students may enter the building beginning at 7:30am. Please reference this form for more information and to register. Otherwise, at 8:10am, all students can begin to be dropped off through our regular drop-off protocol (Early Preschool – 2nd grades entering from Linden Place, 3rd-8th grades from the main entrance) and will proceed to their homerooms.


After School Care Supervision
For students who need to stay passed 3:15pm dismissal, daily after care supervision is offered until 5:30pm. Please reference this form for more information and to register.


In addition to after care, Hovnanian School also offers robust after school programming. Check out the current brochure here.


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